

Designed by: Ingmar Claes, Robbert Boudewijns, Laurens De Backer   Group: iGEM13_KU_Leuven   (2013-09-17)

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Characterization of BBa_K1060000


E. coli DH5alfa strain

Reference Brick: BBa_B0015

Improvement of BBa_J45700

This brick encodes for AroG, which in turn improves the methyl salicylate production of brick BBa_J45700 and brick BBa_K1060003. Hence, this brick can be seen as an improvement of existing BioBrick BBa_J45700.

User Reviews

UNIQcf2ebe82573fdc7d-partinfo-00000005-QINU UNIQcf2ebe82573fdc7d-partinfo-00000006-QINU